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Angelina's Twins Photo (Vivienne and Knox)

Vivienne & Knox

First Photo: Meet Vivienne & Knox Jolie-Pitt  Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt

Shilo's (first born baby of Angelina and Brad) photo costs $6 Million. $14 Million for the twins... Children really are a blessing lol. Infairness to Brangelina... the money collected from the photos will go to Charity as they said.

With a big family of 8, I wonder how they are in the house, even with nanies kids will be kids. I salute the couple for adopting 3 kids... lot of rich people dont bother about loving other peoples children. Giving help to charities is just giving money, but to take a kid home is a different thing. MABUHAY! Brangelina.

1 comment:

Yesha said...

they are really cute. their family, i mean. =]

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